Operations and X-Rays

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Anaesthesia and Surgery for Pets: Understanding the Process

Concerns and Considerations

Owner Concerns: Owners may feel anxious when their pet undergoes surgery or anaesthesia, as they are leaving their pet in the care of professionals without full understanding of the process.

Need for Anaesthesia: Anaesthesia is necessary for procedures such as surgery and x-rays, as pets cannot remain still for these examinations and may experience pain during positioning.

Pre-Anaesthetic Preparation

Blood Tests: A pre-anaesthetic blood test assesses liver and kidney function, red blood cell count, and checks for signs of anaemia or infection to ensure the pet is healthy enough for anaesthesia.

Heart and Temperature Check: Examination of the heart and temperature is conducted to ensure normal function and monitor the pet's vital signs during anaesthesia.

Anaesthetic Safety Measures

Modern Equipment: Veterinary hospitals utilise modern anaesthetic machines and monitoring equipment to detect any issues promptly and make adjustments as needed during anaesthesia.

Risk Management: While anaesthetic deaths are rare, they can occur, but the benefits of surgery or diagnostic procedures typically outweigh the minimal risk associated with anaesthesia.